Max Thon
Senior Account Executive
Past companies/agencies:
WE Communications
Notable clients:
Honeywell Aerospace, Microsoft, Capchase, PayScale, Bittrex, Tobii, Resideo
Max is a Senior Account Executive at BAM, where he is responsible for media relations, story ideation, content creation, and day-to-day client communication. His experience covers several B2B and B2C sectors, including aerospace, fintech, blockchain, eye tracking, smart home, pay equity, and enterprise software.
Before BAM, Max worked at WE Communications, fostering strong media relations, developing PR campaigns, providing media strategy, and overseeing trade show and event support for clients.
Favorite quote:
One of my favorite quotes is by John C. Maxwell, and I paraphrase, “Pay now, play later. Play now, pay later.” I heard this at a young age, and it instilled the desire to take on the most difficult tasks or activities early on so things afterward can be more enjoyable and gratifying.
Favorite trip I’ve taken:
My favorite trip was in 2017 when I backpacked through Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay for a month. During the trip, I learned a lot about myself and South American culture — it even inspired me to visit Colombia in 2019.