Jill Veglahn
Head of People
Past companies/agencies:
The Law Offices of Robert Ernenwein, Shouse Law Group
Jill Veglahn is BAM’s Head of People. Jill joined BAM in 2017, bringing her 10+ years of operations experience with a background in criminal law. Jill is responsible for employee experience, team growth, maintaining company culture, organizational effectiveness, rewards, people development and diversity, equity and inclusion. In her 5+ years as BAM’s head of people, her human-centered philosophies have contributed to BAM’s rapid growth and highly regarded culture.
Jill began her career in the music industry, where she realized it didn’t matter how “cool” a job was – for her, it’s about the people and meaningful connection that gives her a sense of purpose in her work. Jill has worked consistently as a mentor for survivors of sex trafficking, a youth soccer coach, and founded and runs her own fitness-based program with incarcerated youth. Jill takes pride in having a multi-disciplinary and humanistic approach to individuals and teams rooted in psychology, personal experience and leadership studies.
Favorite quote:
“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. Within our response lies our growth and our freedom” — Viktor Frankl
It’s powerful to recognize that regardless of the circumstance or situation, I get to choose how I show up (respond).
Favorite hobby:
I host a semi-annual 31-day workout challenge that single-handedly changed my relationship with exercise. I played competitive soccer throughout my childhood and teenage years, and coached youth soccer for over a decade. I no longer play (or coach) soccer, but you can catch me dribbling a soccer ball up and down the beach in Malibu, hitting a heavy bag (boxing), sweating at a HIIT class, hiking, rowing on my Hydrow rower, interval sprints on a treadmill, lifting weights. I’ve recently started using the heavy bar, which is a new challenge for me. If it involves movement, sweat and challenging my body – I’ll try it (at least once!).