Culture Amp empowers companies of all sizes and industries to transform employee engagement, drive performance management, and develop high-performing teams.
Culture Amp
In 365 days, BAM helped Australian brand Culture Amp establish its U.S. presence. Initially, the focus was on industry trade coverage to build the brand’s presence with its engaged audience of direct customers and buyers. However, after a year of foundation setting in the U.S., Culture Amp was ready to advance its efforts and expand its storytelling impact further by establishing relationships with top-tier media.
The goal of Culture Amp’s media dinner was to extend brand awareness and establish its executives as thought leaders in front of influential top-tier media.
At the time, Culture Amp was not well-known among top-tier media outlets. However, given the dynamic personalities of Culture Amp’s executives and their access to notable customers, BAM knew a media dinner would be a strategic move.
In October 2023, BAM organized and secured media attendance for a happy hour event for Culture Amp in NYC, coinciding with Culture Amp’s annual Culture First Global event, where HR leaders connect on workplace culture.
BAM ensured the event’s success by prepping Culture Amp's executives on the media professionals attending, planning relevant conversation topics, and managing on-site details.
The dinner allowed Culture Amp three hours in a small group environment to get to know key media players in the U.S. and start to form relationships. Ultimately, this resulted in long-term relationships with six top-tier journalists and three pieces of top-tier coverage.
- Nora McCarthy, Regional Marketing Lead, NA at Culture Amp
"We're always looking for ways to increase the impact of our Culture First Global Forum events, particularly since our executives travel from overseas to attend.
The media happy hour BAM helped us pull together was a hit, as it gave many of our executives the opportunity to connect and establish an in-person relationship with reputable journalists.
Plus, the coverage that this one event garnered in The Wall Street Journal and Forbes was incredibly impactful. We're excited for the next one!"
+ Six reporters attended Culture Amp’s media dinner, including Lynn Cook (Wall Street Journal), Maya Chung (TIME), Jack Kelly (Forbes), David Jeans (Forbes), Sarah Jackson (Business Insider), and Kevin Delaney (Charter).
+ 50% of the reporters in attendance covered Culture Amp following the dinner.
+ Six pieces of top-tier coverage were secured as a result of these relationships.