Rachel Thimsen
Account Manager
Past companies/agencies
Riithink, Fishawack Health
Notable clients:
Ash Wellness, Thirty Madison, Hawthorne Effect, Health2047, Empowerly
Rachel is an Account Manager at BAM on the health tech practice and has been at the company since she was an intern. She leads the team in PR strategy, client communications, account management, campaign development, and media relations. Rachel is passionate about her role on the health tech practice and enjoys working with founders who prioritize improving healthcare access for all patients.
Favorite quote:
As a huge Harry Potter nerd, I would be remiss not to quote Albus Dumbledore. I actually captioned all my Facebook profile pictures in middle school with a Dumbledore quote. My favorite is, “it does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.” Over the last few years, we've all been reminded that there is nothing but the present and bliss can be found in the small things.
Favorite industry:
As I’ve grown in my career, I’ve learned that the healthtech industry brings me the most personal fulfillment – I actually wanted to be a physician’s assistant in another phase of life. It brings me joy to work alongside passionate founders who are making a huge difference for patients and advocating that healthcare is every human’s right.